Results for 'Amílcar Mesquita Azevedo'

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  1. O conceito jurídico-político de poder democrático: Influenza da Escola de Salamanca no pensamento político portugués.Amílcar Mesquita Azevedo - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:721-728.
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  2. Diogo Lopes Robelo eo" De Republica Gubernanda per Regem".Amílcar Mesquita Azevedo - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (1):189-209.
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    A Veneração aos Santos no Catolicismo popular brasileiro – Uma aproximação histórico-teológica.Fabio de Azevedo Mesquita - 2015 - Revista de Teologia 9 (15):155-174.
    This article analyzes the importance of the Saints in the Brazilian popular Catholicism from the Cristian iconography. This study is done by a historical approach on how devotion to the saints expanded worldwide and became a point of discussion in the Church, and how this devotion, along with popular Catholicism, arrived in Brazil and was introduced in the life of indigenous people, black people and their descendants. This article presents, finally, the meaning of the veneration to the saints and its (...)
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    O conceito jurídico-político de poder democrático: Influencia da Escola de Salamanca no pensamiento político portugués.Amílcar da Costa Pereira Mesquita - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:721-727.
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    Resistance and Decolonization.Amílcar Cabral - 2016 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    First English translation of two important works by the major revolutionary figure, Amilcar Cabral.
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    Synchronization of logics.Amílcar Sernadas, Cristina Sernadas & Carlos Caleiro - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (2):217-247.
    Motivated by applications in software engineering, we propose two forms of combination of logics: synchronization on formulae and synchronization on models. We start by reviewing satisfaction systems, consequence systems, one-step derivation systems and theory spaces, as well as their functorial relationships. We define the synchronization on formulae of two consequence systems and provide a categorial characterization of the construction. For illustration we consider the synchronization of linear temporal logic and equational logic. We define the synchronization on models of two satisfaction (...)
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  7. Casella's Song and the Tuning of the Soul.Amilcare A. Iannucci - 1990 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 65 (1):27-46.
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    (2 other versions)O Argumento Ontológico em Platão.António Pedro Mesquita - 1993 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 1 (2):31-42.
    This article, The ontological argument in Plato: the problem of immortality, discusses the interpretation of Socrates’ last demonstration of the immortality of the soul in the Phaedo as an ”ontological argument” and tries to refute this interpretation through an examination of the concept of immortality in Plato and its implications on the central relation soul/life. At the same time, it argues that the ontological argument should be seen as the very back-bone of Plato’s ontology, a point of view which will (...)
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  9. O que é o nada?Célio Azevedo & Célio de Azevedo Júnior - 2008 - Folha Azul 1 (24):2.
    Por definição, quando se fala de existência se fala da existência de algo. O nada não é coisa alguma, logo não existe. O nada é um signo, uma representação linguística do que se pensa ser a ausência de tudo. O que existe são representações mentais do nada. Como uma definição ou um conceito é uma afirmação sobre o que uma coisa é, o nada não é positivamente definido, mas apenas representado, fazendo-se a relação entre seu símbolo (a palavra "nada") e (...)
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  10. The Misfortunes of Moral Enhancement.Marco Antonio Azevedo - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (5):461-479.
    In Unfit for the Future, Ingmar Persson and Julian Savulescu present a sophisticated argument in defense of the imperative of moral enhancement. They claim that without moral enhancement, the future of humanity is seriously compromised. The possibility of ultimate harm, caused by a dreadful terrorist attack or by a final unpreventable escalation of the present environmental crisis aggravated by the availability of cognitive enhancement, makes moral enhancement a top priority. It may be considered optimistic to think that our present moral (...)
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    O objetivo deste breve artigo é o estudo da confiabilidade alcançada pela ciência (natural) com o exame da contribuição para este fenômeno encontrada no trabalho de Filósofo da Ciência Thomas Kuhn (1922-1996). Busca-se compreender a contribuição, a partir da construção conceitual proposta por Kuhn em “A Estrutura das Revoluções Científicas”, à noção de que a ciência se movimenta a partir de paradigmas e que o sentido de (in) evolução, nas ciências naturais, sempre possui relevância histórica por se tratar de uma (...)
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    Strengthening Human Rights in Global Health Law: Lessons from the COVID-19 Response.Judith Bueno de Mesquita, Anuj Kapilashrami & Benjamin Mason Meier - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (2):328-331.
    While human rights law has evolved to provide guidance to governments in realizing human rights in public health emergencies, the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the foundations of human rights in global health governance. Public health responses to the pandemic have undermined international human rights obligations to realize the rights to health and life, human rights that underlie public health, and international assistance and cooperation. As governments prepare for revisions of global health law, new opportunities are presented to harmonize global health (...)
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    Fibring Modal First-Order Logics: Completeness Preservation.Amilcar Sernadas, Cristina Sernadas & Alberto Zanardo - 2002 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 10 (4):413-451.
    Fibring is defined as a mechanism for combining logics with a first-order base, at both the semantic and deductive levels. A completeness theorem is established for a wide class of such logics, using a variation of the Henkin method that takes advantage of the presence of equality and inequality in the logic. As a corollary, completeness is shown to be preserved when fibring logics in that class. A modal first-order logic is obtained as a fibring where neither the Barcan formula (...)
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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo examinar a obra As Palavras e as Coisas, do filósofo francês Michel Foucault. Buscaremos destacar esta nova fase de seus estudos que se concentram em descrever uma arqueologia do saber, que repousa sobre uma pesada crítica ao modo de se pensar da modernidade. A centralidade do homem é uma destas características modernas e ele discorre sobre três áreas relativas ao homem em especial: o trabalho, a linguagem e a vida. As atenções do século XIX se (...)
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    Street pavement classification based on navigation through street view imagery.Rafael G. de Mesquita, Tsang I. Ren, Carlos A. B. Mello & Miguel L. P. C. Silva - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-17.
    Computer vision research involving street and road detection methods usually focuses on driving assistance and autonomous vehicle systems. In this context, street segmentation occurs in real-time, based on images centered on the street. This work, on the other hand, uses street segmentation for urban planning research to classify pavement types of a city or region, which is particularly important for developing countries. For this application, it is needed a dataset with images from various locations for each street. These images are (...)
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    O mistério Pascal: Origem, aplicação litúrgica, desvios E retomada pelo concílio vaticano II.Wanderley Rodrigues de Mesquita - 2010 - Revista de Teologia 4 (6):08-16.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo um olhar histórico-teológico para a reflexão do mistério pascal principalmente no que diz respeito à questão celebrativa. No caminhar de dois milênios é notória a divisão deste tema em dois momentos: No primeiro milênio a força teológico-celebrativa do mistério pascal. No segundo milênio o caminho mudou sua rota com atitudes que levaram a se distanciar da proposta inicial na sua teologia e na sua celebração. O Concílio Vaticano II, momento eclesial de extrema importância tenta retomar (...)
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  17. A musica e a alma.Azevedo Neves - 1915 - [Lisboa: Guimaraes & C..
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    Fibring logics, Dov M. Gabbay.Amílcar Sernadas - 2000 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 9 (4):511-513.
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    Ethical Ideology and Ethical Judgments in the Portuguese Accounting Profession.Pedro Augusto Marques & José Azevedo-Pereira - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (2):227-242.
    The purpose of the present study is to examine the attitudes of Portuguese chartered accountants with respect to questions of ethical nature that can arise in their professional activity. Respondents were asked to respond to the Ethics Position Questionnaire developed by Forsyth (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 39(1), 175–184, 1980), in order to determine their idealism and relativism levels. Subsequently, they answered questions about five scenarios related to accounting practices, with the objective of measuring their ethical judgments. Based on (...)
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  20.  16
    Umění a Materialismus: Filozofie chaosu.Célio de Azevedo Júnior & Célio Azevedo - 2021 - Prague, Czechia: Non-Aligned Culture Foundation.
    Célio Azevedo hallitun kaaoksen filosofia piilee 2000-luvun silmissä terävän nihilismin teorian abstraktiossa. Teos kokoaa yhteen monipuolisen näkemyksen kirjailijan tämän päivän elämän pääteemoista.
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    ΕΙ ΕΣΤΙΝ. Des hypothèses d’existence chez Aristote?António Pedro Mesquita - 2015 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:129-172.
    Au début du deuxième livre des Seconds Analytiques ( APo. ), Aristote présente quatre types de recherche possible, qu’il distingue de la manière suivante : la recherche du que ; la recherche du pourquoi ; la recherche de si c’est ; et la recherche de ce que c’est. Le sens propre et les connexions mutuelles du premier, deuxième et quatrième types de recherche ne posent pas de grand problème, ayant par ailleurs été partiellement exposés dans d’autres contextes. Il en va (...)
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  22. Fibring: completeness preservation.Alberto Zanardo, Amilcar Sernadas & Cristina Sernadas - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (1):414-439.
    A completeness theorem is established for logics with congruence endowed with general semantics (in the style of general frames). As a corollary, completeness is shown to be preserved by fibring logics with congruence provided that congruence is retained in the resulting logic. The class of logics with equivalence is shown to be closed under fibring and to be included in the class of logics with congruence. Thus, completeness is shown to be preserved by fibring logics with equivalence and general semantics. (...)
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  23.  49
    People in a Siege: On the Relationship between Ethics and Epistemology in Cyrenaic Philosophy.Antonio Pedro Mesquita - 2020 - Ancient Philosophy 40 (2):307-328.
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    Judith Jarvis Thomson.Marco A. Azevedo - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (3):315-316.
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  25. The Concordat of Worms and the Origins of Sovereignty.Bruce Bueno de Mesquita - 2000 - In James Caporaso (ed.), Continuity and Change in the Westphalian Order. Blackwell.
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    A filosofia na era da globalização uma fábula sobre o destino da civilização.António Pedro Mesquita - 2009 - Dissertatio 30:337-347.
    O sentido deste ensaio é o de pensar o sentido e o lugar da filosofia na época da globalização, mas por via de um recuo histórico, por forma a desafiar a visão dominante segundo a qual a globalização é um fenômeno atual. Para o efeito, procurarei abordar quatro questões: 1) Em que ambiente sociocultural, melhor, em que civilização, se dá a ruptura que conhecemos aqui por “primeira globalização”? 2) Que modo de consciência veio ela perturbar e alterar? 3) Que efeitos (...)
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    Revisiting Aristotle’s Fragments: New Essays on the Fragments of Aristotle’s Lost Works.António Pedro Mesquita, Simon Noriega-Olmos & Christopher John Ignatius Shields (eds.) - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    The philosophical and philological study of Aristotle fragments and lost works has fallen somewhat into the background since the 1960’s. This is regrettable considering the different and innovative directions the study of Aristotle has taken in the last decades. This collection of new peer-reviewed essays applies the latest developments and trends of analysis, criticism, and methodology to the study of Aristotle’s fragments. The individual essays use the fragments as tools of interpretation, shed new light on different areas of Aristotle philosophy, (...)
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    Ethics of Psychedelic Use in Psychiatry and Beyond—Drawing upon Legal, Social and Clinical Challenges.Nuno Azevedo, Miguel Oliveira Da Silva & Luís Madeira - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (5):76.
    Background: Psychedelics are known for their powerful mental effects due to the activation of 5HT-2A receptors in the brain. During the 1950s and 1960s, research was conducted on these molecules until their criminalization. However, their clinical investigation as therapeutic tools for psychiatric disorders has revived the deontological ethics surrounding this subject. Questions arise as research on their therapeutic outcome becomes a reality. We aim to explore deontological ethics to understand the implications of psychedelics for the clinician, patient, and society. Results: (...)
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    Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning.Tomislav Pavlović, Flavio Azevedo, Koustav De, Julián C. Riaño-Moreno, Marina Maglić, Theofilos Gkinopoulos, Patricio Andreas Donnelly-Kehoe, César Payán-Gómez, Guanxiong Huang, Jaroslaw Kantorowicz, Michèle D. Birtel, Philipp Schönegger, Valerio Capraro, Hernando Santamaría-García, Meltem Yucel, Agustin Ibanez, Steve Rathje, Erik Wetter, Dragan Stanojević, Jan-Willem van Prooijen, Eugenia Hesse, Christian T. Elbaek, Renata Franc, Zoran Pavlović, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Aleksandra Cichocka, Michele Gelfand, Mark Alfano, Robert M. Ross, Hallgeir Sjåstad, John B. Nezlek, Aleksandra Cislak, Patricia Lockwood, Koen Abts, Elena Agadullina, David M. Amodio, Matthew A. J. Apps, John Jamir Benzon Aruta, Sahba Besharati, Alexander Bor, Becky Choma, William Cunningham, Waqas Ejaz, Harry Farmer, Andrej Findor, Biljana Gjoneska, Estrella Gualda, Toan L. D. Huynh, Mostak Ahamed Imran, Jacob Israelashvili & Elena Kantorowicz-Reznichenko - forthcoming - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Nexus.
    At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 became a global problem. Despite all the efforts to emphasize the relevance of preventive measures, not everyone adhered to them. Thus, learning more about the characteristics determining attitudinal and behavioral responses to the pandemic is crucial to improving future interventions. In this study, we applied machine learning on the multi-national data collected by the International Collaboration on the Social and Moral Psychology of COVID-19 (N = 51,404) to test the predictive efficacy of constructs from (...)
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    Emotions in Context: A Sociodynamic Model of Emotions.Batja Mesquita & Michael Boiger - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (4):298-302.
    We propose a sociodynamic model of emotions, in which emotions are seen as dynamic systems that emerge from the interactions and relationships in which they take place. Our model does not deny that emotions are biologically constrained, yet it takes seriously that emotions are situated in specific contexts. We conceive emotions as largely functional to the sociocultural environment in which they occur; this is so because sociocultural environments foster the emergence of emotions that positively contribute to social cohesion. The role (...)
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  31. Discurso didático: um modelo para descrição do sentido pela semântica argumentativa.Tânia Maris de Azevedo - 2011 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 16 (2):39-55.
    Este artigo visa a apresentar sucintamente o modelo teóricometodológico para a descrição do sentido do discurso – criado por Azevedo (2006), com base na Semântica Argumentativa, de Ducrot – cuja testagem constituiu-se no cerne da pesquisa1 desenvolvida por Azevedo e Rowell desde 2007. O corpus da pesquisa são textos de tipo explicativo veiculados em livros didáticos destinados aos anos finais (6º ao 9º) do Ensino Fundamental. Dito isso, nos propomos, neste artigo, a apresentar o referido modelo, a fim (...)
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  32. A Proposal for the Ethical Principles of Positive Leadership and the Social Pact (Corporate Ethics and Governance in Organizational Dynamics).Amilcar Groschel - 2018 - Dissertation, Fmu
    The main purpose of this study is to introduce, analyze and propose the concept of Piety in Rousseau as a part of the ethical fundament of Positive Leadership Theory, also as a continuum of the original fundamental element of the Social Pact and its implication on the legitimization of organizational dynamics in the private sector (corporate ethics) and the impact on institutional efficiency. Given the theoretical nature of this research, the classic dialectic method has shown itself adequate once in it (...)
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    A Filosofia e a Novidade Do Pensamento.Vânia Mesquita - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 10:83-89.
    O presente relato busca introduzir a discussão sobre o filosofar em sala de aula como uma importante possibilidade de fazer emergir do grupo um pensamento novo, construído a partir de uma reflexão aberta a esta novidade latente. Para isso, o professor deve estar ciente de que não é o único detentor do saber em uma sala de aula.
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  34. População em situação de rua : sua casa, sua vida.Heloisa Mesquita - 2010 - In Adriana Severo Rodrigues, Giancarla Brunetto & Márcio Eduardo Brotto (eds.), Os hereges: temas em direitos humanos, ética e diversidade. Porto Alegre, RS: Armazém Digital.
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  35. The empathic bases of moral behaviour.Silveira Matheus de Mesquita - 2017 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 22 (Espec):2-22.
    This article aims to examine the possibility to explain the basis of moral behaviour in natural terms consistent with evolutionary theory. The defense position begins with the clarification of the concept of empathy, as done by Hume and Darwin, plus contemporary research in the areas of neuroscience, evolutionary psychology and ethology. My argument points in favor of the hypothesis that socially relevant emotions are regulators of social behaviour, being a criterion for distinguishing between moral and purely social relations. What should (...)
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    Lessons Learned and Future Directions of MetaTutor: Leveraging Multichannel Data to Scaffold Self-Regulated Learning With an Intelligent Tutoring System.Roger Azevedo, François Bouchet, Melissa Duffy, Jason Harley, Michelle Taub, Gregory Trevors, Elizabeth Cloude, Daryn Dever, Megan Wiedbusch, Franz Wortha & Rebeca Cerezo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Self-regulated learning is critical for learning across tasks, domains, and contexts. Despite its importance, research shows that not all learners are equally skilled at accurately and dynamically monitoring and regulating their self-regulatory processes. Therefore, learning technologies, such as intelligent tutoring systems, have been designed to measure and foster SRL. This paper presents an overview of over 10 years of research on SRL with MetaTutor, a hypermedia-based ITS designed to scaffold college students’ SRL while they learn about the human circulatory system. (...)
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    Individual differences in emotion components and dynamics: Introduction to the Special Issue.Peter Kuppens, Jeroen Stouten & Batja Mesquita - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1249-1258.
    Contemporary emotion theories have come to conceptualise emotions as multicomponential and dynamic processes that do not necessarily cohere in fixed packages and continuously change over time. In this introduction to the Special Issue, we give a brief overview of what led to this conceptualisation of emotions, and propose how it can provide the key to our understanding of individual differences in emotional responding.
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    Art reception as an interoceptive embodied predictive experience.Ruben T. Azevedo & Manos Tsakiris - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Beyond the emotional event: Six studies on the social sharing of emotion.Bernard Rimé, Batja Mesquita, Stefano Boca & Pierre Philippot - 1991 - Cognition and Emotion 5 (5):435-465.
    We argue that emotion cannot only be conceived of as a short-lived and intrapersonal phenomenon. Rather, based on five theoretical arguments, we propose that the social sharing of an emotional experience forms an integral part of the emotional processes. A series of six studies investigated different aspects of this hypothesis. Study 1 showed that an overwhelming majority of people reported sharing their emotional experiences and that the memories of these experiences tended to come back spontaneously to their consciousness. No difference (...)
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    Maeve's Dilemma.Marco Antonio Azevedo & Ana Azevedo - 2018 - In James B. South & Kimberly S. Engels (eds.), Westworld and Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 103–113.
    In Westworld, Maeve Millay's narrative in the show gives rise to classic philosophical questions surrounding what it means to be free, the relationship of freedom to personhood, and whether an artificial intelligence could ever be considered free in the sense that humans are. Maeve's mysterious change of mind in the season finale made it seem like she was experiencing a genuine dilemma. Maeve's dilemma is something would expect a Frankfurtian person to experience, and her final choice reveals a preference between (...)
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    Experimental and interdisciplinary approaches in philosophy: Methodological caveats.Marco Antonio Azevedo & Jairo Othero - 2015 - Dissertatio 41 (S2):94-118.
    Filósofos, especialmente aqueles que se autodenominam como naturalistas, parecem cada vez mais interessados em realizar pesquisas empíricas. Um caso típico é o da Filosofia Experimental, um campo emergente que faz uso de dados empíricos colhido por meio de inquéritos seguindo os mesmos métodos empregados nas ciências empíricas, nomeadamente na psicologia, a fim de apresentar provas em pesquisas ou argumentos filosóficos. Outro exemplo é oferecido pela participação ativa dos filósofos em grupos de pesquisa interdisciplinares nas neurociências. No entanto, os filósofos não (...)
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  42. Uma Análise Crítica da Subjetividade Liberal a Partir de Nietzsche e Foucault.Anthony Lucas Neves Azevedo - 2024 - REVISTA APOENA - Periódico dos Discentes de Filosofia da UFPA 4 (8).
    O presente trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar, ainda que de forma meramente sucinta, as análises de Michel Foucault a respeito do liberalismo e neoliberalismo, que aparecem ao longo de seus livros e cursos, onde o filósofo aborda o desenvolvimento histórico dessa forma de governar e nos apresenta a subjetividade do sujeito próprio dessa governamentalização. Pretende-se então trazer as reflexões filosóficas de Friedrich Nietzsche a respeito do surgimento do homem moderno e das perspectivas que se lhe apresentam. Por fim, buscaremos comparar (...)
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  43. Vida de criança cigana: O brincar no seu processo de escolarização.Letícia Santos Azevedo & Marilete Calegari Cardoso - 2012 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 2 (4):13-27.
    A vivência das crianças ciganas no mundo apresenta várias lacunas que vêm sendo estudadas por pesquisadores da área da sociologia, antropologia, psicologia e educação, com a intenção de compreender a forma como as escolas enfrentam o desafio de ensinar, com êxito, crianças de etnias diferentes. Discutir acerca da vida da criança cigana e o brincar no seu processo de escolarização frente aos olhos dos professores se constitui no nosso principal objetivo. A ênfase maior deste estudo está centrada na percepção dos (...)
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    Crítica à dogmática e hermenêutica jurídica.Plauto Faraco de Azevedo - 1989 - Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil: S.A. Fabris Editor.
    Resultado de pessquisas e reflexões sobre o redimensionamento das idéias jurídicas, o ensino do direito, as bases dogmáticas, filosóficas e sociológicas. O autor propõe a abertura de uma nova visão judicial para a moderna interpretação e aplicação do direito. Obra redigida com concisão e clareza de linguagem, serve aos interesses acadêmicos nas disciplinas de introdução ao direito, teoria geral do direito, sociologia e filosofia do direito, de todos quantos militam na atividade judiciária e necessitam ter compreensão da correta hermenêutica jurídica, (...)
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    Justiça distributiva e aplicação do direito.Plauto Faraco de Azevedo - 1983 - Porto Alegre: S.A. Fabris.
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    A natureza evolutiva das emoções sociais básicas: uma investigação do orgulho e da vergonha.Matheus De Mesquita Silveira - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e33986.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo estabelecer o papel que a constituição biológica de mamíferos e as construções culturais têm na expressão de emoções sociais básicas. A relevância social das emoções será investigada a partir da discussão entre o evolucionismo e o construtivismo, com enfoque no papel dos movimentos expressivos na sua comunicação em diferentes espécies de animais e culturas humanas. O estudo relativo às expressões emocionais será realizado mediante a apresentação dos princípios gerais das emoções desenvolvidos por Darwin em (...)
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    Principles of International Politics: People's Power, Preferences, and Perceptions.Bruce Bueno de Mesquita - 2000 - C Q Press College.
    In contrast to most current approaches to international politics, this work views domestic politics and international relations as inseparable and the role of individual political leaders as key. A core assumption is that political leaders and foreign policy decision makers are motivated to keep their jobs and that they select policies and allocate scarce resources so as to help them fulfill their personal political objectives.
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    A hora e o lugar das Ordens Sufis na tradição isl'mica.Mateus Soares de Azevedo - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41):395-414.
    O que é o Sufismo? Em que ele acredita? O que ele pratica? É ele uma vertente mística do Islã para alguns poucos, ou uma via aberta a muitos? O que são as confrarias ou ordens sufis? Qual a sua natureza e sua razão de ser? Qual a sua origem e seu desenvolvimento histórico? São elas “iniciáticas’’ e destinadas a uma elite espiritual, ou “populares’’ e acessíveis em princípio a todos os fieis? Estas são algumas das questões que este ensaio (...)
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  49.  24
    Author Reply: The “Social” Is Not Merely Another Level of Reality.Batja Mesquita - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (4):327-328.
    It is time to abandon essentialism in emotional research: Our sociodynamic model (Mesquita & Boiger, 2014) proposes to study emotions as contextualized processes, rather than as states. This does not mean eschewing mental processes, but rather studying them dynamically and in open interaction with their environment. Our proposal is not to shift the focus of emotion studies to a different level. Rather, placing emotions in their social context renders their psychological qualities understandable and predictable. This is illustrated by some (...)
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    Importing Logics.João Rasga, Amílcar Sernadas & Cristina Sernadas - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (3):545-581.
    The novel notion of importing logics is introduced, subsuming as special cases several kinds of asymmetric combination mechanisms, like temporalization [8, 9], modalization [7] and exogenous enrichment [13, 5, 12, 4, 1]. The graph-theoretic approach proposed in [15] is used, but formulas are identified with irreducible paths in the signature multi-graph instead of equivalence classes of such paths, facilitating proofs involving inductions on formulas. Importing is proved to be strongly conservative. Conservative results follow as corollaries for temporalization, modalization and exogenous (...)
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